ENGLISH BOOK                         SPANISH BOOK     

March 23- March 27: The students can work with your help on Measurement with Nonstandard, and put in order objects from the largest to the shortest, or the biggest to the smallest and vice-versa. There are some links to activities, and some videos in Spanish about this content. 

Measurement in Spanish



March 9- March 19 : We will work in Chapter # 9- Measurement and time. In this topic we will learn to compare the length of different objects, how to measure with nonstandard units and tell the time to the hour and half hour. There are some links to activities with Curios George related to this chapter.

Topic 9 links:

Time and measurement






February 24- March 4 : We will work in Chapter # 7- Compare two numbers. Students will practice adding and subtracting 10. They will work with tens and ones. There are some links to activities with Curios George related to this chapter.

 Topic 7 links:

Place Value & Comparing Numbers






January 21 - February 21 : We will work in Chapter # 6- Count and model numbers. Students will practice counting by ones, tens, fives and twos. They will work with tens and ones and show numbers in different ways. They will model, read, and write numbers from 1 to 120. There are some links to activities with Curios George related to this chapter.

 Topic 6 links:

Skip Counting & Place Value






January 6- January 17We will work in Chapter # 5- Addition and subtraction relationship. Students will practice recognizing family fact, using addition to check subtraction, calculating missing numbers in a number sentence and recognizing an addition or subtraction word problem. There are some links to activities with Curios George related to this chapter.

 Topic 5 links:

Addition and Subtraction



November 18- December 20: We will work in Chapter # 4- Subtraction. Students will practice counting back, using addition facts, and using ten to subtract. Students will also continue to work on fact families and part-part-whole relationships. Below, you can find several videos in English counting by 10s, 5s, 2s, and 1s, and counting backwards. There are some links to activities with Curios George related to this chapter.

 Topic 4 links:






October 14 - November 15: We will work in Chapter 3- Addition strategiesStudents will practice counting on, using doubles to add, using doubles plus one and doubles minus one, making ten to add and adding three numbers. Students will also continue to work on fact families and part-part-whole relationships. Students will also continue to work on fact families and part-part-whole relationships. 





Topic 3 links:

September 19-October 9: We will work in Chapter 2- Subtraction. Students will use objects and pictures to solve subtraction equations. Students will also continue to work on fact families and part-part-whole relationships.  



Topic 2 links:Count

August 23-September 18:  These first weeks we will focus on calendar activities as well as the numbers in Spanish and ten frames. When the students are ready, we will begin Topic #1 from our math book, Go Math!

Below you can find some activities to help your kid develop some skills. We will work in Chapter 1- Addition, from Go Math! that is the math program. Students will also work on fact families and part-part-whole relationships.  

Also, we will begin math fact fluency, "Las palomitas". All students will start with the "+1" quiz. The teacher times the Students for 1 minute allowing them to complete the quiz. After the allotted amount of time, all students must stop working. Any student who completes all the questions and passes the quiz with a 100% moves on to the next level. If a student does not finish or does not get a 100% will re-take the quiz the next time it is given. Students will progress at their own rate. Some students will need to repeat a level a few times before passing while others will breeze through and reach the "+10" and move to the subtraction quiz quickly.